Friday, December 16, 2011


So, I totally knew this would happen, but I told you right?  I am HORRIBLE at updating these things.  So, therefore, this one is a little later. Okay, like two months in the making late.  Its about Halloween.  Trey and I bit off more than we could chew with that one.

So, the first thing Trey and I made for Halloween was for his teachers, Halloween themed bark. Trey helped me stir and melt the dark chocolate.  He reminded me while it was melting that it looked like something that comes from your body and into the toilet (however, not that nicely), and he didn't want to try it.  When we added the candy corn to it, he changed his mind.  But when he touched the hot melted chocolate while patting them in, and realizing how hot it was, a little whiny and sleepy four year old had a break down and decided no.  While it was cooling and hardening, we tackled the next project for the second time.

Now, I have made three different types of whoopie pie recipes.  Each time, my cookie pie part...well, it fails.  So, I tried yet ANOTHER recipe.  And again, it was not right.  The batter wasn't thick at all and was like a milkshake.  When they heated up it was more like a silver dollar pancake on a diet, that's how thin it was.  you can imagine Trey's reaction. "Mommy, those aren't cookies"  "I know, Trey, they are supposed to be like little cakes."  "Mommy, those are definitely not cakes, those are chocolate papers."  Without even trying to make the middle, I threw them away.  That was two days before Halloween.  When I decided to make the bark and went to get the ingredients for it, I saw (drum roll please)......Pillsbury Whoopie Pie Mix, Halloween themed!  It came with sprinkles to roll the sides in that were black and orange.  Perfect right?  And so easy, right?  WRONG!

OK, so I don't know how, the whoopie pie gods must not like me, because even with the boxed recipe, they still weren't as big and puffy as they were supposed to me.  Or the same size. Trey was in charge of sprinkles and had a hard time getting to the icing because the cake was not think enough to put a thick layer of icing in between.  So, well, with a four year old, his solution was to bite the sides off!  I was icing while he was rolling, and didn't realize until about the fourth out of twelve one he had done was on the plate.  He had a mouth full of chocolate and was surprised when I commented that he wasn't supposed to eat the cakes just yet.  So, his teachers got the pretties four we made, and we saved the rest.  At least I know there is a dessert item he enjoys now.

Well, that was October.  A little late, I know.  We shall do Thanksgiving soon...or hopefully before Christmas.  I make no promises. :)

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